Jones Beene wrote:

... Last week an independent researcher, reviewing
video archives of the BBC's 9/11 coverage, divulged the
earth-shaking incongruence. A BBC reporter in Manhattan
- the lady-talking-head at the center of this forming
vortex - as she was reading the news to Brits - with the
WTC 7 [Solomon Brothers] building actually still standing
behind her in the live feed - announced the collapse of
the 47 story Building over 22 minutes BEFORE the actual
collapse! Wow ...

Despite the fact the Google has reportedly censored and
removed the initial internet premier of this vid, removing
it totally from their US website, several independent
"mirrors" picked it up overseas. Here is one from the
notorious conspiracy-monger named Alex Jones. Was this
vid somehow "photoshopped"?

... BTW - the BBC, when shown this, claim that they "lost"
the official tapes of their 9/11 coverage, and that it
is a "cock-up, not conspiracy." Not sure who they intend
to finger as the bumbling rooster, as it is hard to deny
something is seriously amiss here, if you can offer nothing
official in response.

Hmm... They just happened to lose their coverage of the
most critical and historic event in the 21st century? Now
that is harder to believe than that the video has been
photoshopped ...

Hmmm... come to think of it - Blair did seem to be in bed
with W from day one. Absolutely zero hesitation on buying
the war imperative. Is that because he had been forewarned
of many details in advance? How could that have filtered
over to the BBC so soon? ...

The truth will "out" ... given enough time.

Hi All,

The stakes have been and will continue to be extremely
high.  The price of oil is not the only issue; there
is also the control issue.  When Unocal's agent, Karzai
(the current Afghan president), was unable to complete
the pipeline deal with the Taliban -- from Kazakhstan
through Afghanistan to the port of Karachi in Pakastan --
"we" had no alternative but to go in.  All that was needed
was an excuse.

This crime may seem too fantastic, but there are probably
even more unbelievable surprises out there.  What happens
when Chicago is nuked and the smoking gun points to Iran?

Jack Smith

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