On 14/03/07, David Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Esa
>i did try to give ginzburg some stuff on walter schauberger (who took
great pains to take viktor's realizations back into mathematics >and physics
and, well, science), lets see what happens. after all, walter schauberger
did publish quite a bit on the hyperbolic >open-path geometry that seemed to
mesh in with everything else. should be interesting to see how the two
walters coincide, walter >russell and schauberge.r
What exactly did you give to Vladimir?  Until you mentioned "Walter," I
had not realized he added to his work.  A quick Google search shows his web
site is in German.  My limited American language skills have hidden Walter's
work from me.

Walter Schauberger bio in english:

just a few hints that there are such things as these:
1) Radlberger - Der hyperbolische Kegel nach Walter Schauberger (2002) which
is full of math and all that stuff, which seems available, well, online.

2) that PKS have published a few calendars consisting of hyperbolic cone
geometry, and materials based on that (the calendars are in the german

3) that PKS is somewhat available, heres some info about them:

from source#1: ( http://schauberger-books.org.uk/links.shtml#links )
After his father died, Walter Schauberger set up, in 1962, the Pythagoras
Kepler School <http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/> (PKS) at Engleithen in the
Salzkammergut mountains of Upper Austria. He was a physicist and
mathematician, and set out to validate mathematically his father's research.
His particular interests were harmonic theories (the monochord) and
conceptions of non-Euclidian geometry (plane sections of a hyperbolic cone).
He never published his research; however, Callum
who studied with Walter at the PKS <http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/>, is
currently writing up some of Walter's work. It was intended that Walter's
eldest son, a physicist, Dr. Tilman Schauberger should succeed him at the
PKS <http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/> but, in the event, Tilman died
shortly after his father's death in 1994.

As a result, Walter's younger son Jörg gave up his work in the Austrian
media to help save his grandfather's work. Aided by his wife, he runs
courses at the PKS <http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/> for those who wish to
learn more about the Eco-technology heritage. Every year, there are usually
about six seminars in German, with participants from Austria,
Switzerland, but also from Italy, Hungary, the Benelux Countries or from
Scandinavia. Less frequently they now also run international seminars in
English, bringing together people from all over the world who are engaged in
Schauberger-inspired research, to share their findings. Speakers at these
seminars are specialists or technicians in water or environmental issues who
are willing to follow unorthodox ways of studying how Nature works. Members
of the PKS <http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/> now give lectures in many
different countries round the world.

*Water and the vortex* are the present main topics of study at the
However, they intend to test Viktor's ideas for river balancing with energy
bodies and flow guides to help rivers flow naturally and to protect valuable
land and property from flooding.

*The Schauberger Archives* are open for research by appointment - see the
PKS <http://members.aon.at/pks.or.at/> website. The PKS copper gardening
tools, books, cards and videos are on sale by mail order.

from source#2:
Viktor Schauberger's archive had originally been maintained by his son
Walter Schauberger, a mathematics and physics graduate, and is now
administered by the immediate family. Walter Schauberger was deeply involved
in the further teaching and researching of his father's discoveries which
were based on acute observations of nature; and he brought these perceptions
into accord with harmonic theories of Pythagoras and Johannes Kepler. In
reverence for these great scientists, Walter Schauberger named the research
centre in Engleithen the PYTHAGORAS KEPLER SCHOOL (PKS) and embraced their
formulated research into the term the PYTHAGORAS KEPLER SYSTEM. After an
interruption (Walter Schauberger died in 1994), regular PKS-seminars were
re-established in summer 1996 in the VILLA ROTHSTEIN. A C

shame again that helicola.com is offline.
I wonder what the problem is?  Everything seemed fine last fall when we
were emailing back and forth.  Maybe he got a government contract?

 > one idea comes to mind, maybe the server has just xpired.

While researching on Walter I found another related Schauberger site to be


you can easily access this site by going to

however, it is the Energy21 site, which is available elsewhere. like
the energy21 database is sometimes referred to as "free energy database
cd-rom", which would be available via say, p2ps.

however, theres quite a bit more on viktor schauberger via frank germano's
this is probably one of the better pages on the man. - however nowhere is
what he accomplished really truly dissected and reduced into bitesize

unfortunately it cant be said that energy21 is the definitive place to go
into - neither are the books on him - although everything will help,
especially the IET-community's reports on "Self-Organizing Flow Technology".

What inventions related to Viktor and Walter Schauberger do you consider to
be of particular interest and why?

viktor's log-flumes, repulsine, klimator, heimkraftwerk, vortex pipes,
repulsator, centripete. none of these have really been developed further,
not properly, because what viktor understood, was way too complex for
engineers to be able to replicate. i mean, its 30s 40s and someone walks in
with ideas and sketches of living machines (which it has become obvious
nowadays, would have utilized Cavitation/Waterhammer-effect, molecular
disassociation using microwave frequencies caused by spinning cavities, and
so on)

Walter took out i believe only a couple of patents, one of which was a
vortical method of purifying exhaust fumes, look up patent

here are some practical uses that http://www.viktorschauberger.at/ has
notices on:

to me, it would appear that viktor schauberger learned something that the
hydrologists of that time, and maybe not even now, havent figured out, about
the movement of nature, and worked to develop devices that would utilize the
natural movement, instead of the technological way of moving material (which
creates pressure, heat and, well, combustion/explosion).


a conversation with Frau Ingeborg Schauberger, Walter Schauberger's wife:

anyway, its all a very interesting subject, barely touched by the few
scattered documentaries on him, let alone the books.

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