
An well known member at Vo sent me the following email.  Please see my comments.

Undisclosed person:
> In reply to Paul message of Sun, 04 Mar 2007 11:30:54 -0800:
> Hi Paul,
> [snip]
> Has it occurred to you that the device you envisage would cost about the same 
> a solar cell, but produce far less energy?

No it wouldn't. It would work nonstop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in the complete darkness in ones basement or in complete daylight. That's the technology I'm working on.

Furthermore, the first goal is to merely prove it exists. I have proof energy from ambient temperature is capturable. One of the simplest examples is a capacitor connected to a resistor. Sure, the cap will continue to charge & discharge until it's disconnected from the resistor, but the point is energy contained in ambient temperature is capturable. I have other experiments that convert such ambient temperature to DC, but they are difficult/time-consuming to replicate. Tom has a nice experiment that's simple to replicate, but it's a little costly -->

To give you an example of the amount of energy simple radiated by ambient temperature alone a very thin sheet, 1 x 1 m^2, radiates ~920 watts. Theoretically thousands of such sheets could stack less than one inch high.

My magnetic avalanche research indicates a device the size of a coffee cup could potentially extract tens of kilowatts of continues energy day or night.

Paul Lowrance

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