In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:45:55 -0700:
>That, and the fact that the vector sum must be less
>than the scalar sum (which yields hbar) suggests
>that the orbitsphere model comes up short in
>angular momentum.
>But it can be fixed. I suggest postulating an additional
>intrinsic angular momentum to make up the deficit.
>History has shown that that is a perfectly acceptable
>approach: SQM does so for spin.
This is not necessary. Shrinkage occurs as part of a reaction in which at least
three particles participate:- The original hydrogen atom (or hydrino), the
catalyst atom, and the electron ionized from the catalyst atom. By varying the
angle at which the electron is ejected, any amount of change in angular momentum
can be accommodated.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition (capitalism) provides the motivation,
Cooperation (communism) provides the means.

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