Standing Bear wrote:

Jed, it is like nobody saw or read this!  Is'nt anybody going to answer
this post?  The guy is claiming a watt from three centimeters of wire
for cryin our loud.

Well, it is not unexpected. This is cold fusion, after all -- that's what it does. Fleischmann and Pons used to get upwards of 100 watts from a few centimeters of wire.

Zhang and Dash have been very cooperative in the past so I expect they will send me a paper as soon as they write it. I will upload it and post a message here. That's what I do.

I just now uploaded a new set of PowerPoint slides that describe a new paper:

Hubler, G.K., Anomalous Effects in Hydrogen-Charged Palladium - A review (PowerPoint slides). Surf. Coatings Technol., 2007.

- Jed

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