
I have watched and listened to every word the man has publicly (and to a certain extent privately) uttered on the subject for the last five years. There is a clear progression. Off the top of my head, he was reported to have said on a Canadian radio show something about not buying it till it was on the shelves..which is not a very scientific statement, but it's also not saying it's "pathological science." A year or two later he was quoted in a paper saying something like, "I wouldn't go out and invest in it yet."

Look at the metadata. It's all there.


At 04:33 PM 3/23/2007 -0400, you wrote:
The Chemistry World magazine article that DonW posted here has a surprising statement:

"Bob Park, at the University of Maryland . . . concedes that 'there are some curious reports - not cold fusion, but people may be seeing some unexpected low-energy nuclear reactions'."

Coming from him, that is an astounding admission. I do not recall ever seeing Park betray even a hint of a positive attitude toward CF.

- Jed

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