This paper explains the _evidence_ of excess heat and helium
production in "cold fusion" type experiments in terms of weak
interactions and ultra low momentum neutrons.

The abstract and the concluding paragraph are below.
I downloaded the entire paper from Steve Kirvit's
New Energy Times.

The paper also mentions that laser light could be used
but I do not see any references to the experiments
that have already been done with laser light.


Eur.Phys.J.C (2006)


Digital Object Identifier (DOI)10.1140/epjc/s2006-02479-8

Ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions
on metallic hydride surfaces

A.Widom 1,a ,L.Larsen 2

1 Physics Department,Northeastern University,110 Forsyth Street,Boston MA
2 Lattice Energy LLC,175 North Harbor Drive,Chicago IL 60601,USA

Received:3 October 2005 /
Published online:9 March 2006 Springer-Verlag /Societ`a Italiana di Fisica

Ultra low momentum neutron catalyzed nuclear reactions in metallic
hydride system surfaces are discussed.Weak interaction catalysis initially
occurs when neutrons (along with neutrinos)are produced from the protons
that capture ³heavy ²electrons.Surface electron masses are shifted upwards
by localized condensed matter electromagnetic fields.Condensed matter
quantum electrodynamic processes may also shift the densities of final
states,allowing an appreciable production of extremely low momentum
neutrons, which are thereby efficiently absorbed by nearby nuclei.No Coulomb
barriers exist for the weak interaction neutron production or other
resulting catalytic processes.


In summary, weak interactions can produce neutrons and neutrinos via the
capture by protons of heavy electrons. The collective motions of the surface
metallic hydride protons produce the oscillating electric fields that
renormalize the electron self energy, adding significantly to the effective
mass. There is no Coulomb barrier obstruction to the resulting neutron
catalyzed nuclear reactions. The final products (A,Z) X in some reaction
chains may have fairly high A .The above examples show that final products
such as (4,2) He do not necessarily constitute evidence for the direct
fusion D +D --> (4,2) He. Direct fusion requires tunnelling through a high
Coulomb barrier. By contrast, there are no such barriers to weak
interactions and ultra low momentum neutron catalysis. Final products such
as (4,2) He and /or (3,2) He and /or (3,1) H may be detected. 

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