I contributed the first part of this to the fusion topic at wired:

May I present a possibly practical hot fusion machine that I have been thinking of for years that combines magnetic and electric fields for critique as an open source offering. The magnetic part is provided by hoop coils in a row like a egg shaped wire and paper lantern with the largest diameter hoop in the center and progressively smaller diameter hoops at the ends. The current in the center coil is much greater than that of the other coils so the magnetic field has a small waist in the center. The hoops are held by a strong insulating material which supports an electric gradient with the center grounded and both ends positively charged. The thermonuclear plasma is securely held because it cant escape either from the center for magnetic reasons or the ends for electrical reasons. The plasma will become positively charged leading to the advantage that fewer electrons will radiate thermal blackbody energy wastefully. The curves of the magnetic and electric fields promote stability as they block escape for each other. The center of the machine is linear without the curve of a torus.

This second part is a suppliment for Vortex members:

With Perpetual Motion of the Second Kind any fusion machine producing energy releasing nuclear reactions will create surplus energy. I think the diode array will be more of a general purpose electrical energy and refrigeration source. A modified ME vessel may be usful in industry and space propulsion

PS, another topic:

The experimental discrete 1N914 diode diode array tested by Tom Schum consisted of 32 modules in series each module containing 32 parallel diodes see http://mysite.verizon.net/vzesfls5/files/

Charles M. Brown

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