Interesting that the ACS seems to create more press interest than does the APS where the same papers were given a month earlier. Nevertheless, this exposure is good news and will give other writers the courage to say something positive about CF.


Jed Rothwell wrote:

Here is an article in Norwegian, apparently pro-CF (judging by an automatic transaction):

Google Alerts brought me five stories plus one about Hair Extensions:

Symposium to discuss <>Cold Fusion experiments <>
Resource Investor - Herndon,VA,USA
Researchers say they have new evidence supports ‘low energy nuclear reactions,’ also known as cold fusion. Scientists will discuss evidence of cold fusion, ...

' <>Cold Fusion ' Rebirth? Symposium Explores Low Energy Nuclear Reactions <>
Science Daily (press release) - USA
Science Daily ­ In 1989, 'cold fusion' was hailed as a scientific breakthrough with the potential to solve the world's energy problems by providing a ...

Scientists shed new light on <>cold fusion
<> - USA
CHICAGO, March 29 US scientists say the concept of cold fusion, a controversial concept once hailed as a scientific breakthrough, may be ready for rebirth. ...

Fusion <> Experiments Show Nuclear Power's Softer Side <>
Wired News - USA
For a few months in 1989, tabletop cold fusion -- even simpler to construct than fusors -- seemed to hold enormous promise, following claims of success from ...

Cold fusion <> is back at the American Chemical Society <> (subscription) - London,England,UK
After an 18-year hiatus, the American Chemical Society (ACS) seems to be warming to cold fusion. Today that society is holding a symposium at their national ...

- Jed

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