Jones Beene wrote:

As Pimentel has pointed out ...

Utterly meaningless. The guy is an antiquated and misguided zealot . . .

Because he does biology, and presents quantitative, reality-based arguments, I suppose. I agree that in the new era of fact-free touchy-feeling "truthiness" this kind of thing is unacceptable. Policy can be as crazy as you like as long as it feels good, and looks good in TV advertisements featuring yeoman farmers standing proudly in the sunset.

with zero credibility among the decision makers on either side of the aisle- as witnessed by the massive changes already underway.

You mean the massive mistakes now underway. Billions of dollars being thrown away on a technology that cannot work even in principle, and that will certainly result in the deaths of millions of innocent people by starvation, and the destabilization of Mexico, China and many of other countries, not to mention a drastic increase in food prices here in the U.S. Yet another Bush administration triumph, along with Afghanistan, Iraq and hurricane Katrina.

The "decision makers" also pay attention to food producers and consumers. These people also have political power. The Coca-Cola Company, for example, does not appreciate it when the government pays other people a huge subsidy to waste Coca-Cola's raw materials. People have come to realize that a huge giveaway program to the oil industry -- massive, subsidized waste and grotesque inefficiency -- is not in their interest. They have been complaining in recent months. I predict they will put a stop to this madness before half the U.S. food crop is burned up every year as a gift to OPEC.

Advanced biofuels, on the other hand, like butanol and algoil are here to stay.

Sure, as soon as we can grow them on Mars, I suppose. Here on planet Earth we barely have enough room to grow enough food.

- Jed

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