Ah. The story has progressed since I last heard about it. They have now revealed 97 incidents at nuclear power plants, 128 incidents at thermal (fossil fuel) plants, and 81 at hydroelectric plants. Those power company managers have been busy little bees all these years. Here are some recent reports in English:

A comment about the privatization of Los Alamos and how it relates to this cover up. I do not see the connection but this is pretty funny:


"This blog is a follow-on to "LANL: The Real Story." Privatization at LANL is a fait accompli, soon to befall LLNL. The real content will be up to you, the thoughtful Readers, including those from soon-to-be quagmired LLNL. . . ."

The latest from the Yomiuri:



'100 workers present at criticality accident'

The No. 2 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station went critical in October 1984, as about 100 workers were still within the reactor container during a regular checkup, it was revealed Friday.

Ten electric power firms, Japan Atomic Power Co. (JAPC) and Electric Power Development Co. reported to the government Friday of 306 cases of cover-ups of problems and data fabrications at nuclear, thermal and hydro-electric power stations throughout the nation.

According to the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of the Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry, the 12 companies reported 97 cases at nuclear power stations, 128 cases at thermal power stations and 81 cases at hydraulic power stations in their reports detailing cases relating to cover-ups of troubles and data fabrication. . . ."

- Jed

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