have you tried getting in touch with klaus rauber of
http://www.implosion-ev.de/ ?  also, have you tried calling the PKS? it is
open on wednesdays i believe 10am to 2pm (hmm, gmt+1? not sure)  the info
might be at http://www.viktorschauberger.at/

regarding klaus rauber - i have a german documentary where he shows new
pictures that look almost similar to the pöpel report pictures in callum
coats "energy evolution" book (which has  the pöpel report as an addition
right at the end). but it would be great to hook up the original tests, just
to .. well, have them.
if i get to IWONE3  in höör,malmö,sweden, i could try and ask klaus rauber
and curt hallberg - however thats in august, and im still not 100% if i can
afford to go to it.

On 17/04/07, Zachary Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Apr 16, 2007, at 1:48 PM, Esa Ruoho wrote:

anyone had any luck hunting down a di gital version of the pöpel report?
(Pöpel, Franz Rapport  Berich über die Voruntersuchnungen mit Wendelrohren
mit verschniedener Wandform International Report, Institut für
Gesundheitstechnik, Institute of Technology in Stuttgart, 1952.

I spent a while, and pestered many a librarian - some of whom for which
English was not their first language.  Two people searching the university
of Stuttgart could not find it, and offered that it may have been lost.
I've wondered if Callum Coats has an original, though I seem to remember
discussing the matter with Curt Halberg and he offering that a copy wasn't
in Coat's possession.  I never received word from Jorg Schauberger.  I would
try him if I were to again be looking.
Sadly, it didn't seem too unreasonable that a library would loose a copy
of an old technical report, unpublished by formal journals.  Still, it would
be a notable loss in this case.  Someone today will have to reproduce the

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