R.C.Macaulay wrote:
> Howdy Vorts,
> As the world turns, the rant goes on and the stomach turns. People are
> not destroying the planet.. maybe themselves individually and in
> collective groups.. but not the planet.. that's coming, but by design
> and not by human decree or PHD.
> Richard
>>> > One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human
>>> caused
>>> Well, it is difficult to ignore Dr. Brenda, PhD's credentials, and
>>> the fact that she is and has worked in the field of climate science.
>>> Furthermore Dr. Brenda said the mass majority of climate scientist
>>> *now* believe global warming is caused by humanity, and such evidence
>>> is overwhelming.
>> There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XttV2C6B8pU
>> No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree
>> with the recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is
>> the cause of global warming.
>> Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

The planet has life; forests, ozone, etc. etc. Investigate and you should discover humanity is *literally* wiping out forests, causing ozone depression, air pollution, ocean chemical pollution, unnatural green house, etc. etc. All of which cause other problems-- an avalanche effect.

I'm not a climate expert. In this case I'll trust the words of a leading PhD climate scientists than a few people at Vo, LOL. :-)

Here's some up to date information for you. Last week Dr. Brenda, PhD. clearly said most climate scientists now agree with recent data that humanity is the major cause of global warming. Do you or anyone at Vo have a more recent statement from a leading PhD climate physicist that disagrees with the aforementioned statement? I doubt it, lol. The few disbelieving climate scientists left are probably just stubborn, a little slow, and perhaps wrote a book and therefore cannot stomach to admit such error. IMHO a person should be very cautious with claims in writing a public book. Once the claim is made public in such a book the scientist would rather cut off their arm than admit error. Such a pity when modern society is at stake, as this is a vitally important field.

Fact still remains.


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