Dear Vo.,

  Please read the portion of the text, below.....

THEN.... please read comment that follows.....
THEN.....PLEASE offer some contribution[s] as opposed to "rant", "guess"

      AND:  Please read embedded text[s] .....


Therefore when evaluating the net carbon which must be
burned to get a certain amount of torque at the
wheels  . . .

(A)  What carbon is produced if the sun is the power source?

This brings up another important point. At start up speeds, up to 10 mph,
the torque from an electric motor beats a steam engine, and really beats a
diesel or standard ICE.

(B) ...............   According to WHAT-WHOM-OTHER ?????

Cost may be another issue, since transportation fuel
bears a high tax burden . . .

(C) ...please see (A)..or "SUN" ....

Oil is far more expensive than coal or nuclear power aside from any tax
considerations. Plus, oil is subsidized by the cost of the Iraq war, $1 or
$2 trillion and counting (taking into account the long term costs).

"on a level
playing field" there is NO valid comparison: the
plug-in hybrid makes zero sense at all - if the
efficiency of the small diesel is in the same range as
the efficiency of the power plant - which is the

On the contrary a small diesel in a hybrid arrangment makes the most sense
of all. A hybrid improves diesel performance as much as any other motor.
There is no reason to make them mutually exclusive. Why settle for a 60 mpg
diesel when you can bump it up to 120 mpg with a hybrid?

- Jed

        TO JED:    You geuss a lot.. and quote a LOT.... but how much real
BBGB...HB BS E have you personally done???

        AND:  If you have NOT done this work.....  Then who HAS???

--- Jed

On the contrary a small diesel in a hybrid
arrangment makes the most sense of all. A hybrid
improves diesel performance as much as any other

Exactamundo - no contrario ! You must have
misunderstood my intent (or more likely it was too
hastily posted) if you thought that this was not my
exact message (with the possible refinement of the
6-cycle steam diesel, in place of the normal diesel.

WHA ... uh JUST uh...0JAT  IS A STEAM diesel????

The hybrid setup actually improves the diesel ICE
efficiency far BETTER than it does the gasoline
alternative, since a diesel is very sensitive to
single speed (RPM) optimization.

The 6-cycle efficiency of >50% would only be possible
at at single engine speed - ergo the hybrid is
absolutely necessary to reach that efficiency goal.


BTW - for those who may want to look into this - the
Crower patent is on shakey ground. 6-cycle engines
have actually been used for over 100 years for
locomotives and ship engines. There is even a separate
patent sub-class for 6-cycle engines.

 NB:     SUN........Rankine cycle
    H2  and O2
    closed cycle
         [[[no carbon}}}!!!!!!!1
        Comment?  Knowledge?  Kannot know how Howl   ???
           Sound.... light.... energy.... who>
              2nd Law of Thermo:
        PRESUMES a CLOSED  system..............
     IS ARE the Earth a closed st up or system????
If so so...???
        NB:   Remove the term  "CARBON"  from the ICE-DEISEL and JED
            What is-are then the result[s]???
                   NB:  You can leave Helium from the sun.....


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