SUBJECT: Suggestion to John Herman


This is just a suggestion, and it's just my own opinion that I'm
expressing here, but...

If you want to convey your thoughts and opinions I would strongly
suggest you make an effort to conform you literary style to a more
traditional visual approach. You know... where we use sentences
logically grouped in paragraphs.

Every time I view one of your posts I haven't got a clue where to
start or where to end. I have no idea what you personally wrote versus
what other posters have written that you might be responding to. I end
up not reading your posts simply because at my age I no longer feel
inclined to try to decipher the mysterious and complex thoughts of
others if they aren't willing to meet me half way.

Your writing stile rivals that of Java code.

If you're into experimental writing styles I would strongly recommend
you try to find a group list that loves to explore alternative
techniques, and then get feedback from them, that is if you can
decipher their own unique literary styles. But please, please, PLEASE,
try to stick to a more traditional literary approach here.

I hope you do not take offense to this suggestion, though I can see
how one might.
Steven Vincent Johnson

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