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Cold fusion - hot news again?

*       05 May 2007 
*       Bennett Daviss 
*       Magazine issue 2602 

Physicists scoff, but enthusiasts say they now have evidence that proves
room temperature fusion is real. New Scientist investigates

FROM a distance, the plastic wafer Frank Gordon is proudly displaying looks
like an ordinary microscope slide. Yet to Gordon it is hugely more
significant than that. If he is to be believed, the pattern of pits embedded
in this unassuming sliver of polymer provides confirmation for the idea that
nuclear fusion reactions can be made to happen at room temperature, using
simple lab equipment. It's a dramatic claim, because nuclear fusion promises
virtually limitless energy. 

Gordon's plastic wafer is the product of the latest in a long line of "cold
fusion" experiments conducted at the US navy's Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Center in San Diego, California. What makes this one stand out is
that it has been published in the respected peer-reviewed journal
Naturwissenschaften, which counts Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg and
Konrad Lorenz among its eminent past authors (DOI:
10.1007/s00114-007-0221-7). Could it really be true that nuclear fusion ...


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