Jed Rothwell wrote:

Michel Jullian wrote:

In all this time wouldn't you expect him to have found out by himself, or at least to have been told by someone, how siphons work?

This exchange reminds me of some characters I've come across in my quest for the illusive free energy machine. Several years ago we Vortexians were "treated" to the rants of a man, I called him Mad Jack. He had a box which would run three motors. Jack was looking for an affirmation that his box was producing energy. During the discussion it emerged that it had burned out two utility transformers. Bill finally tired of his rants and banned him.

Then there is Dennis, the scam artist, Lee. I can safely label him as such, with no fear of criticism from Bill, because he is a convicted swindler. He's big on demonstrations involving motors too. He was supposed to pay us a visit here in the Twincities a few months ago. Actually it's the "investors" (suckers) in his various enterprises who pay.

During the circus with Mad Jack I mentioned the test for energy production proposed by the late Otto Schmitt, who said, "tell them to heat water." I can still remember the rant that this evoked from Jack.

Motor based demonstrations are a great tool for energy scammers for several reasons. One is the rated amperage which assumes a full load. Another is inherent inefficiencies in the system. NASA developed a voltage clipping technology which was marketed as the Green Plug.

As for Joseph Newman, I don't question his mental ability. I do question his sanity, and his veracity. For one thing he announced that he is the Messiah. This was after he ran for President and filed a Writ of Mandamus (alleging prejudice) against a federal judge. Then there is the matter of the second and third Mrs. Newman, who are mother and daughter. When he brought his dog and pony show to the Tesla Society meeting my friend approached the stage with a digital VOM, Joseph was not pleased. OTOH, his machine did impress Roger Hastings, PhD physics. I think that he is producing excess energy, the magnetic cooling is proof of that. His life story would make one hell of a movie, even better than the Paul Brown Story.

It is difficult to judge. Some people are unable to learn anything, and immune to rationality. Many hardcore opponents of cold fusion seem incredibly stupid to me, but I think they honestly believe what they say. A few are intellectually dishonest. One, Taubes, told someone (Ed Storms, I think it was) that he does not know or care whether his statements about cold fusion are true. I gather his purpose was to sell books.

I heard Taubes interviewed on National People's Radio. Some one, I assume an LENR researcher, called in and asked him if he knew the definition of flack, Taubes replied that a flack is something put there to obscure the matter. The caller then replied, "Taubes you are a flack." They cut him off of course, both the People's Radio and TV networks march to the beat of a hidden drummer. What they hope to gain by this mystifies me. Taubes is licking the hand that feeds him, which some people prefer to poverty.

That is unethical, but it is more crazy than dishonest. My guess is that he sees himself as a writer of science fiction, or amusement, like these people who make television programs about haunted houses.

Hey Jed, I love haunted house shows. The local CBS affiliate was running one where they took thermo imaging cameras in. It was great fun, I regret that they quit running that series.

If you doubt the phenomena there are people who will take you to spots where you can feel the cold for yourself. Hum, if we could trap the phenomena and set up an energy flow.

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