In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Sun, 27 May 2007 12:37:09 -0800:
>Anybody know what's up with Denny Klein?  See especially a highly  
>questionable ad:
See also . It sounds a bit like the
opposite of administratium. :)

In the statement:

"Aquygen™ Gas instantaneously melts tungsten, bricks, and other highly
refractive substances. In particular, measurements have established the
remarkable capability of combusted Aquygen™ Gas to instantaneously reach
temperatures over 10,000° F, under which virtually all substances on Earth can
be sublimated."

..they make the mistake of misidentifying the behavior with regard to tungsten,
as I have previously pointed out here. This mistake is likely also the reason
behind the claim of 10,000° F. Furthermore, I believe "refractive" should be


Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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