Yes, Bedini's work is very interesting. He claims that the operative mechanism is ultrasound, which may be plausible, but is at odds with successful the EMF studies. My main objection to Bedini is that he doesn't provide detailed enough information to allow others to replicate his work.

--On Friday, June 01, 2007 8:30 AM +0300 Esa Ruoho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

what would you say to bedini's work on replicating rife's material?

On 01/06/07, Ron Wormus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I still keep up with Vo though I don't post very often. I have spent
quite a lot of time & effort experimenting with the RIFE effect over
the last few years & come to the conclusion that there are real &
verifiable biological effects from RF modulated plasmas. However, like
LENR, replication is difficult & there is currently no good theory on
how these low power long wave length (audio to ~100kHZ) modulated
plasmas can selectively effect different organisms.

The field is, pardon the pun, RIFE with lots of BS & claptrap, which
tends to obscure the good work that is being done by a few
researchers. Ron

--On Thursday, May 31, 2007 7:54 PM -0700 Jones Beene

Zac might want write to former Vo - Ron Wormus - who may still be
tuned-in on occassion.

Ron is/was very knowledgeable on the electronic aspects of this
technology - at least insofar as testing the tubes with various gas
fills under RF stimulation - he was more into looking for hydrino
effects, but is probably conversant with the medical aspects.

R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Howdy Zac,

Another link



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