On May 29, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

In reply to Horace Heffner's message of Tue, 29 May 2007 12:28:49 -0800:
Regarding D + Pd cold fusion cathode conditions, Hora and Miley write
[1]: "The screened deuterons are mutually repulsed by their Coulomb
field at distances less than 2 pm, but thanks to their screening are
moving like neutral neutrons. Any attraction by the Casimir effect
[29] is too small. But calculating the gravitational attraction for
the deuteron masses at the 2 pm distance arrives at values of about
ten times higher energy than the thermal motion at room temperature.
The gravitational energy between two deuterons at a distance of 2 pm is 2.3E-33 eV. This is about 1E31 times less than the kinetic energy at room temperature.
Methinks the authors slipped more than one decimal.


Looking at the nucleon magnetic binding energy:

mu_n = nuclear magneton = 5.05078343(43)x 10^-27 A m^2

For deuterium, mu/mu_n = +0.8574382

For hydrogen, mu/mu_n = +2.7928474

Separation distance = 2 pm = 2E-12 m

Is interesting to see that a 50-50 mix of H and D would provide maximal magnetic binding of the D through spin coupling.

The force F between two attractively aligned coils of magnetic moments mu1 and mu2 at distance r is:

   F = -3*mu0*(mu1)*(mu2)/(2*Pi*r^4)

so we can integrate to obtain the binding energy Fb:

   Fb = mu0*(mu1)*(mu2)/(2*Pi*r^3)

which for deuterium is:

Fb = (1.2566E-6 N/A^2) * (0.8574*5.0508E-27 A m^2)^2 / (2*3.1416* (2E-12 m)^3)

   Fb = 4.688E-27 J = 2.93E-8 eV

which is way too low to overcome thermal phonons. However, if the nucleons can approach to 2E-14 m the magnetic biding energy rises to 0.0293 eV, which is right in the ballpark of 0.038539 eV standard temperature energy.

Gee, the nuclear effect could be similar to that which I have suggested creates electron pairs in superconductors. The Fermi principle does not forbid electrons from occupying the same position if their spins are reversed. I suggested here on vortex a while back that a superconductor pair is merely two electrons with their waveforms co-centered and co-located, spins opposed, and bound by magnetic force. This notion is strongly supported by the fact that about 50 percent of the time electrons tunnel across Josephson junctions in pairs. This ghostly superposition of waveforms eliminates all magnetic binding of the pair with the lattice and magnetic jiggling of the pair via phonons. The pair de Broglie wavelength thus expands greatly and it floats through a lattice with ease. It is a spin 0 boson. Bosons can superposition! I suggested this superpositioning ability of pairs might explain Ken Shoulder's EVs. A similar superpositioning ability for deuterons would provide an explanation of multiple deuteron fusions.

If two deuterons can approach to 2 pm, their spins can align so as to be opposed and magnetic binding can complete the superposition. Their de Broglie wavelengths become highly overlapped, eliminating all repulsive Coulomb force, and the magnetic coupling becomes sufficient to overcome thermal disruption. Despite the proximity of the centers of charge, fusion of the deuterons does not occur because their quantum waveforms are huge, nearly infinite. There is no mutual velocity between two particles so bound, so they react to each other as if their de Broglie wavelengths were infinite. The probability of fusion drops to near zero. These magnetically bound boson's centers of charge can drift into the nuclei of large atoms. All that remains to create fusion is stimulation from an external particle of sufficient energy that it substantially reduces the de Broglie wavelength, that it collapses the waveforms at their co- centered location and brings about fusion.


Horace Heffner

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