From Michael Foster:

Oh, here's another one, where they actually mention Tesla
but claim he only attempted it.  I guess they don't know
he used to light up his whole lab this way. This sort of
thing never ceases to amaze me.


Kewl idea, but I bet it's anything but efficient, as stated by the
second article – currently only 40 – 45 percent efficient. Obviously,
they hope to improve on that percentage.

One would assume the copper coil hidden in the ceiling could be
broadcasting power constantly, 24 hours a day, regardless of whether
there are appliances in the room to take advantage of it. There goes
any effort to reduce our country's energy footprint.

And just wait for consumer protection and health organizations to get
a hold of this concept. Soon there will be accusations that beamed
power promotes brain tumors, birth defects, and infertility. They
claim it's safe, but I'm sure many consumer protection agencies are
likely to dismiss those proclamations.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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