Going in reverse order,

Horace Heffner wrote:
If it hasn't been done already, it seems to me of at least academic interest to measure the neutron absorption cross section in loaded Pd foil over a range of very low neutron energies. Slow neutrons should be magnetically attracted to, and thus ultimately fused to, adsorbed H nuclei at thermal energy levels. The cross section should be huge.

Agreed ...yet one should not forget that the neutron itself is diamagnetic.

Edmund Storms wrote:
> I'm surprised, Jones, that the Widom/Larsen theory is even being
> considered. This theory has some serious faults that have not been
> addressed by the authors I summarize a few below which are extracted
> from a recent paper of mine.

Well, I should have mentioned your concerns - but did not have time to do a thorough posting. And - you will have to admit that W/L is getting plenty of press/exposure of late, thanks to SPAWARS; plus the endorsement of Miley (apparently) doesn't hurt either.

I agree that (like all other theories) this one has many problems yet to be answered; and Horace's suggestion would be a good start - but at least the first problem which you mention is the one which is better answered by the Mills' hydrino/deuterino or 'below ground state' model; where a 'virtual' and very low energy neutron or dineutron results, as the case may be - after the heat energy (in the EUV range) has already been shed. IMHO, they screwed up big-time on that detail.

Of course, to complicate the situation - there are obviously many things going-on in the various experiments and no single theory will ever work for all of them. Your experiments tend to show that there is enoguh Helium to account for all of the OU whereas Karabut is showing 1000 time less than necessary.

Undoubtedly, in many experiments there is at least some D+D fusion. The big-picture appears to be one of those situations where Ockham is out to lunch (or in the barbers shop) - and there is NO simple answer but instead many overlapping, messy and very complicated answers. Probably another reason why the mainstream would rather not deal with it at all.


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