I agree. From what we can see so far the London Orbo resembles the Perendev Motor. Also there's a striking resemblance to my sample mechanical motor, which I drew for the soul purpose of demonstrating my theory -->

Scroll down to the black highlighted text, "Mechanical motor version"

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:
It looks like the Perendev Motor with magnets in repulsion.  In
repulsion, the magnetic domains are eventually misaligned and the
magic stops.  Magmos will only work with maggies in attraction where
domain alignment is enforced.


On 7/5/07, OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From Paul Lowrance:
> I found the following statement by Sean very interesting:
> http://www.siliconrepublic.com/news/news.nv?storyid=single8723
> Quote, "Steorn say that the intense heat should not affect future applications > of the Orbo technology as this is just a prototype. ***The prototype was set up
> in the museum on Sunday and as of Tuesday night, McCarthy said it was
> functioning perfectly until yesterday when it froze suddenly.***"
> So the London Orbo was running just perfectly until it froze July 4th.
> Paul Lowrance

Least we forget, it's Friday.  And that of course means...

Brace for another fine installment from the honorable Dr. Park. The
trials and tribulations of STEORN's recent ORBO demo no-show at the
Kinetica Museum is sure to be discussed in painful detail, with a
concluding nod of assurance that this incident is just another
confirmation that the sacred LoT have once again been upheld.

Park's comments may soon be followed by (once assured that it really
is safe to come out of hiding) a "me too" installment from the Amazing
RANDI. After all if the APA has given RANDI one of its most
prestigious awards for critical thinking, he had better live up to his
reputation and pontificate some additional critical comments. Perhaps
the APA is also hoping the Amazing RANDI will make the damned critter
disappear down a rabbit hole as well - permanently.

Ah, well, perhaps it's STEORN's LoT ...in life - pun intended. Of
course I still hope STEORN may soon be able to pull their misplaced
rabbit out of the hat, though perhaps a tad more awkwardly than
planned. Just not on cue. The creature is probably off somewhere doing
what it is that critters of that kind are inclined to do, making more

All humor set aside for the moment: In the recently posted article
STORN appears to claim it's a bearing problem - due to the unexpected
intense heat from the lamps. I hope they are right, that it's not just
a smokescreen. It would mean the magnets themselves were not affected
by the heat. That was my worst fear.

Fingers still crossed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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