To Paul Lowrance:

The following personal comment is strictly OT. I can well imagine that
many on this list will chose to bypass the thread. Can't say I

Regarding some revealing comments you recently made:

You people can't get past your emotions, which passively
dominate your consciousness. You continue to kill each
other, cycle after cycle, and time after time you find
what I refer to as fuzzy logic to justify your actions,
referring to such wars as defense or preemptive strike.

Please wake up!

FWIW, I do my best to face my emotions every single day of the week,
twenty-four hours a day. On the good days I can observe them as they
pass across my awareness, some good some bad. I do my best to
recognize them for what they are, the enjoyable alongside the
not-so-enjoyable. On the not-so-good days, I can get lost in my
emotions, the unpleasant ones, especially the ones that for some
ignorant reason I've judged to be incorrect, to be bad. Fortunately, I
seem to be getting better at recognizing this folly. Slowly I'm
beginning to realize that emotions are what they are: Emotions. They
certainly aren't to be feared, compartmentalized, or demonized.

You have called the Vortex participants "You people...", that we
"...can't get past [our] emotions," that we "...continue to kill each

"You people..."


I strongly urge you take assessment of the strong prejudice, the thin
veil of bigotry packed in those two simple little words.

Do not kid yourself, Paul. Your recent posting behavior suggests to me
that you are not being governed by the principals of truth and logic
that you have been preaching to all those "You people..."

* * *

PS: To R. Macaulay, I hope I can find my way to the Dime Box saloon
some fateful day. I'll leave my sawed off at the sheriff's office.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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