On Aug 14, 2007, at 3:55 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

What you are still missing Horace is that the two plates, provided they are closer together than their lateral extent, act as their own Faraday cage so their surface charges really only depend on their difference of potential, irrespective of their potential relative to nearby external objects including the external Faraday cage (whose use is desirable anyway as previously discussed).

What you are missing Michel is the discussion that started this whole thing, the original discussion about the massive morphological effects of small electrostatic fields *parallel to the plates* in the Szpak cell experiments. It was a mysterious effect. I hypothesized these morphological surface effects were due to changes in ion concentration and electron fugacity, and from the amazingly small E fields that must have remained at the electrodes from the 6 kV applied across the cell. I suggested that such a small change in fields could be affecting cold fusion experiments all over the world due to differing atmospheric conditions at differing times and places. Let's be more specific (below).

This follows as I said from Gauss's law (also mentioned by John, appropriately). I sent you a link earlier, here it is again:


Here is the important figure with regards to our discussion.

                  V1       V2
(Ground)=(++HV--)===I      I==============(Ground)
                    I      I
     V3             I   GGGIGGG
     I===(+LV-)=====I   G GgG G
.....I..............I...G GgG G.............................
     I              I   G GgG G
     I              I  XG GgG G
     +              ==oXG GgG Go
     +                oXG GgG Go
     +                oXG GgG Go
     +                oXG GgG Go
     +                oXG GgG Go
     +                oXG GgG Go
     +                 XG GgG G
     +                  G GgG G
     +                  GGGGGGG

         =I - Rubber HV insulated test lead
     (--HV) - High voltage low current DC power supply
       (LV) - Floating low voltage electrolysis DC power supply
          G - Surface of thick strong electrolyte-proof insulator
+ - Electrolysis anode, slightly less negative than cathode wire.
          X - CR-39 slab
          g - Ground potential electrode for the high voltage field.
          o - Cathode wire cross section
         .. - Electrolyte level

  Figure 1 - High electron fugacity experiment

Your position is the electron fugacity in the cathode supplied by V1 is dependent only on the potential difference V1-V2, and not the absolute potential of the cathode coil as I defined absolute potential. Your position is any potential can be added to both V1 and V2 and the electron fugacity in the cathode will be the same - especially on the surface opposed to the anode plate.

My position is that the fugacity of the cathode supplied by V1 will differ depending on the absolute potential of that cathode as I defined absolute potential. In other words, an electron deficit in the cathode produces low electron fugacity. You say not. This is our central issue and central disagreement. Other issues are academic.

The fugacity of the electrons is critical because it affects the quantum state of some of the population.

I further say you can not apply the difference idea without limits because a conductor stripped of conduction band electrons can not have high electron fugacity. A sufficiently negative plate (using potential within the gauge I defined) can not have high electron surface fugacity regardless how positive the plate adjacent to it may be. That is an extreme case, but it demonstrates the fact you can not pedantically apply the principles you suggest out of context, especially the principle:


which is based on *incremental* charge changes on the plate surfaces.

I also say Gauss's law has limited relevance with regards to electron fugacity in this case, and to your position, because it ignores the effects of any external field on the electrode within the envelope, and also because you've ignored the effects on the cathode coil (or plate if need be) other than the surface area opposed to the HV anode. It also was the objective to have potential (not field measurement) be useful for design and measurement of experimental values.

excerpt:"It is an important tool since it permits the assessment of the amount of enclosed charge by mapping the field on a surface outside the charge distribution."

Once you will have come to terms with this powerful law and its implication which I already mentioned(*) that a conductor's surface charge density is uniquely determined by the field right above that surface, then this controversy will be solved, at last :-)


(*) I first mentioned Gauss's law/theorem a few days ago, you may remember I applied it to a judiciously chosen small box,

And I asked you "what box" to which you did not reply, unless I missed it. I did not see a definition of the box.

I suggest you dig that post out (search for "Gauss"). In my derivation I had forgotten a permittivity factor I realize, sorry about that, surface charge density sigma is in fact permittivity epsilon (or epsilon0 if dielectric is vacuum or air) times the field strength E (=delta_V/d in the case of two parallel plates), and its sign is determined by the field direction (negative if the field is towards the plate, which is the case for the most negative of the two plates). Capacitor equations follow from the above, see:


(note again that the capacitor charge equation q=C*Delta_V alone should have sufficed

That Q is merely an *incremental* Q, not an absolute charge on the plate surface.

to convince you, surely you realize that what you have been preaching at length contradicts this simple elementary equation, isn't this a bit foolish?)

Needling will not change the facts, whatever they may be.  8^)

Horace Heffner

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