FWIW: Here is a Stanley Meyer replication with claimed OU of nearly 6, which appeared on YouTube and Hartmann's site:


Methinks that the results are far from being accurate, since pulse power is involved, and generally speaking the amateur inventors who can measure pulse power accurately are not many (to be kind) but nevertheless, here is Ravi's paraphrased claim in numbers, with commentary:

"Faraday's" hydrogen output is 2.4 watts / hour / liter of gas (STP).
My replication cell:  12 volts x 0.51 amps = 6.12 watts"

[he does not indicate how this was calculated, and he does not appear to have used a dedicated power analyzer]

the gas generation is around 7 cc/sec of H2 + O2

        [not sure that he has eliminated water vapor]

This converts to 4.66 CC of H2/sec which converts to 16.776 Liters/hour


16.776 x 2.4 watts (Faraday/lit/hour generation) = 40.262 Watts

"Well I seem to be generating the equivalent of 40.2 watts as per Faraday with just 6.12 Watts. I dont know if im right but I seem to be generating 550% excess as the above works out to 40.2/6.12 x 100 = 656.86% 656.86 - 100 (Faraday) = 556.86% OU !"
[snip] Ravi


...hope your are close to that, Ravi.


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