Jed, I was tempted to wade in to this fight, but I think you not only made the necessary points but showed that this person is not worth the trouble. She is a good writer, but her style is very common these days because it gets uneducated people's attention. She and Robert Park have a lot in common. For this reason, the fight can not be won by direct assault. As she says, it is her blog and she will say what she wants. We have, which has much more influence on the thinking of responsible people than her little effort.


Jed Rothwell wrote:
Esa Ruoho wrote:

i think what hes expecting is..  a fight.
and yep, you got one, jed
have fun with it!

It would be a lot more fun if the Blogger would play by the rules of academic discourse, and stop deleting my messages whenever I make a decisive point. I really should stop adding messages, because she will only delete my work. It is good practice I suppose, but I guess I have enough practice by now.

Chris Tinsley as I used to moan about how shallow people's education is these days. They learn facts, facts, facts but nothing about the fundamentals of logic, clear thinking, how to conduct a fair debate. This blogger supposedly writes books about science yet she is constantly coming up with "strawman" arguments, ad hominem, and other logical errors, and apparently she never learned that you are supposed to read original sources rather than second and third-hand newspaper reports. Even if the authors of the original sources are mistaken, you will learn what they actually said, rather than what some reporter heard from some other reporter.

- Jed

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