For some reason I have been on this Mailing List for a long time.  I am
politically, an Independent.
This is from Mel Hilgenberg, Chairman of the " NORTH CENTRAL COLORADO
Is this a sign of things to come???


                                                         MEL'S MAGNA CARTA &

 Thoughts and ideas to reform the Republican platform, differentiate our
party of choice from the others, and reinstate Constitutional Conservative
principles and core Judeo-Christian values to public policy and civilized

-- For Congress to declare war against the enemies of freedom, e.g.
terrorists, those who harbor, ennable or finance terrorists, countries which
are not democratic, are religiously intolerant, have economies which are not
capitalist, i.e. communist, and have a low rate of literacy.  If you are not
hitting on all six, we, the U.S. and The Federation of the Free, the new
alliance after we pull out of the corrupt and impotent United Nations, are
coming after you sooner and later, are going to crush you militarily, depose
corrupt, despotic and dictatorial rulers, give you a McArthur Japanese
constitution and come home.  If you screw it up, we'll be back.  

-- Establish a United States of Israel (USI) from "the Euphrates to the
Nile" giving arbitrary Balfour Declaration states one of three options: 
1.)  They can be a sovereign state in the USI  2.)  They can be a
protectorate of the USI like Puerto Rico is of the USA or 3.)  They can
become like our Indian reservations, but not independent or
sovereign.  Also, renew the Monroe Doctrine and be a leader of the sovereign
nations in the western hemisphere, not a shill for the New World Order and
One World Government.  National service for all 18 year olds with no
exceptions.  At least 4 years if selecting military service, 1-2 years for
everyone else with commensurate credit to attend college or university
following service.

--Sovereignty.  Abolish the federal reserve and reinstitute the government
only printing money, abolish the IRS and go to a 10/10/10-- 10% income tax,
10% national sales tax and 10% tax credit or tax deduction for any church or
charitable contributions except think tanks and the other leeches that are
sucking our national life's blood out.  Secure the borders, deport all
people not here legally, bill countries for all services provided for anchor
babies and the relatives they have brought in on their anchor, change that
law,  and return to U.S. Senators being chosen by the respective state
legislatures.  Reduce federal and state bureaucracies by 75%.

-- Education.  Repeal the Blaine amendment in all 30+ states where it
exists. Have the money follow the child via means tested vouchers, tax
credits or tax deductions in Colorado and elsewhere. This would put into the
hands of parents the state share of education funding for schooling at home,
in private or parochial schools or in the tax supported government monopoly
schools.  Abolish teacher unions by ending de facto collective bargaining,
passing federal and state Hatch Acts for teachers and other public
employees, removing their tax exemptions, and have labor departments declare
war on co-mingling funds for politics and worthy purposes and other means of
corruption.  Reform funding of Higher Education, particularly student
grants, scholarships and loans, reward students choosing hard sciences and
engineering, and penalize those in liberal arts, ethnic studies, etc. 

-- Water.  There is plenty of water in North America, but it is managed very
poorly.  In Colorado, renew the aquifers during periods of high run off,
transmit water from the western slope, and deepen and build more
reservoirs.  Reform and repeal most environmental and endangered species
laws and abolish the parasitic bureaucracies dependent on leftist nonsense
and junk science.  Get the vertical reactor in operation state wide,
nationally and internationally.  In a joint private/public US venture with
other international entities, do similar things in Africa with the Congo

--Transportation.  Mag Lev monorail, rubber tired trains and mass transit
that makes sense, not just trying to force subsidized 19th century systems
on cities.  In Colorado, mag lev or high speed trains from Cheyenne to
Albuquerque and running out to the eastern border of Colorado.
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--Energy.  Manhattan project for clean coal, reducing CO2 emissions, oil
shale, tar sands and other carbon fuels and nuclear.  Get serious about
countering "alternative energy" a major blight by junk scientists, corporate
elites and weak willed elected leaders who give nonsense a bad name.
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--Life.  "Planned Parenthood" should be called "Contrived Elitist Genocide",
taxed and regulated heavily, and no abortion should be permitted until a
death certificate is signed by the pregnant female with a name for the "life
in process" she is terminating and a requirement to name the cretin who
impregnated her.  Said cretin should be fined a large amount or serve jail
time or both.  Reform adoption laws dramatically, and, if the female opts to
have the baby and keep it or give it up for adoption, the cretin who
impregnated her would be obligated for child support for life.  

Issue wise there is more, but these seem to me to be the major ones  over
which we are floundering.  

Mel Hilgenburg

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