It is not unheard of for an underfunded venture or enterprise which started out with dubious intentions, and clearly copied the experiments of others to raise capital (as did Gardner Watts a few years ago without mentioning that the technology was "borrowed") - to get lucky and mature away from that former failing, and even to make a major discovery ...

Nevertheless, is there any real reason to suspect that this is not the second stage in a continuation of the plethora of fly-by-night scam artists like GWE (Genesis), Dennis Lee, Tilley, Lutec, Newman and the others documented by the (always overly-inclusive) "crank-site-king"- Kreig ... ??

I do not like to mention nay-sayers like Kreig, if there is a scintilla of good intention being demonstrated, but he is more often then not correct - and in the case of Gardner Watts (if they are still in the category of unscrupulous promoter) who have tainted the entire field of alternative energy with false promises ... beware.

... these guys can recognize (as all good con-artists can) - the 'johns'- i.e. the 'easy pickin's' available when wealthy individuals who have a social consciousness (but not the sophistication to appreciate what is feasible and what has already been done) that are out there, even in England ... Richard Branson being the prototype of well-meaning john.

...And apologies in advance if this is off-base, but until more is known about the "new Gardner Watts" : Caveat emptor, which translates as secure your billfold after making contact.

Terry Blanton wrote:

"We are absolutely not saying this is cold fusion, or that we have
found a way round the law of energy conservation," said Christopher
Davies, the managing director of Gardner Watts.

"What we are saying is that the device seems to tap into another,
previously unrecognised source of energy."

According to Mr Davies, the cell is the product of research into the
fundamental properties of hydrogen, the most common element in the
universe. He argues that calculations based on quantum theory, the
laws of the sub-atomic world, suggest that hydrogen can exist in a
so-called metastable state that harbours a potential source of extra

On 9/16/07, Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Their web site:

On 9/16/07, Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"The system - developed by scientists at a firm called Ecowatts in a
nondescript laboratory on an industrial estate at Lancing, West Sussex
- involves passing an electrical current through a mixture of water,
potassium carbonate (otherwise known as potash) and a secret liquid
catalyst, based on chrome."


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