Gnorts, Vorts,

This article in the NY Times (you have to be registered but it's worth it)
 is all about the growing water crisis in China because of their enormous 
economic expansion. The general water table is dropping by three feet a year. 
Extraction for industrial expansion is part of the reason but it is also their 
self sufficiency in grain, which demands "winter wheat" crops which are sucking 
the country dry. In Jed's e-book  he suggests that the 
bulk of agriculture in the future will be in enclosed multi level "factories" 
which will be massively more efficient in use of water etc. I cannot see any 
other way that this current China crisis can be averted without a new abundant 
energy source. Near the end of the NYT article they say that the Chinese are 
considering massively expanding urbanisation because such areas use less water 
than agricultural areas? Seems mad to me, particularly if it leads to the 
Chinese having to buy their grain on the world market, which just might be a 
problem for the rest of us...

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