Jones wrote..

There is little doubt to many of us that the area of greatest need for
benefiting future society centers around "energy" ... and furthermore
that conservation is not enough, and further exploitation of fossil
fuels will lead to more war, poverty and injustice.

Even if, in our heart-of-hearts, we suspect that mainstream physics is
mostly correct on all pronouncements regarding cracks in the "Laws", we
still present the outlook that there is a huge missing piece of the
energy puzzle which the mainstream is missing... even if we do not
buy-into the full extent of "supression" nonsense.

Howdy Jones,
Mainsteam physics will become obsoleted. Discipline is waning and another breed of scientist is emerging with absolutely no respect for the "old ways". At present, it may remain difficult to earn that PhD with this new posture but the mold has been broken. The reason is that today's youth are taught to cast off the past/ existing ways ( Shades of Toffler's book "Future Shock"). They are taught that change is the norm . This situation is most evident in the corporate CEO culture and manifested and encouraged by the "innovators" like Goldman-Sachs that simply merge firms for profit, regardless of the fit. How this new culture of change translates within the manufacturing world remains obscure. Our own small manufacturing companies devote much time to head scratching simply trying to decide what is real or bogus in trends. It takes us an average of 14 years to move an industrial product from the time of conception to profitability. The chances of this ever happening are near zilch-zero. We spend an average of 300k per 1 mil in sales for researching new ideas and products with most ending in failure or obsoleted by competition or market trend. Many believe they can design and produce a quality product if they " had the money". Never happens except in rare cases. Ever notice that huge firms buy out firms that have successfully produced an innovative new product. These huge firms DO NOT design and build ( unless with gov't military money. This has become another new culture described as "Boeing the moment"). Study the link for the new energy list. Of these ideas perhaps one or two may actually pass the prototype stage.

The good news is there is an interest and desire toward new energy advancement. As this momentum continues, there will be a breakthru and then an avalanche. There is really no stopping it now.


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