Steven Krivit wrote:

"An unprecedented international collaboration"

Translation: This part is ambiguous. It could mean the biggest scientific collaboration or it could mean the biggest boondoggle in scientific history. Who knows?

Steve, are you actually suggesting that this could be a larger drain of resources and an even bigger boondoggle than the previous 40 years of Hot-Fusion-Idiocy ?

That would be hard to top. How could you?

Think about it, folks ... if... if in your wildest and most despicable, greed-laden nightmare, you somehow lost all moral grounding and were transformed into an oil conglomerate (OPEC co-conspirator) and were ever-diligent in conspiring to keep innovative concepts in alternative energy *out of play* in the public arena -

...then how better could you accomplish that slimy goal then to drain all the available government resources into a dead-in-the-water project like this hot fusion fiasco ... of course, scientifically rationalized by your (paid-off PhD) yes-men, and one that has zero proven chance of commercial viability, due to extremely high cost and substandard results???

Geeze give the poor ignorant taxpayer a break ... as Snuffy sez: enuf is enuf...


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