Horace Heffner wrote:

On Nov 18, 2007, at 5:06 AM, R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Howdy Vorts,

Can anyone explain the nysterious repositioning and rapid buildup of the Russian nuclear forces ?

I'm curious what the evidence is for that? It may be noteworthy that the Bear bomber flights have resumed near

Read Through the Eyes of the Enemy by Stanislav Lunev <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=ur2&camp=1789&tag=transasianaxi-20&creative=9325&path=tg/detail/-/0895263904/qid=1123656826/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1?v=glance%26s=books> . The author was formerly with Soviet Military Intelligence he says that the Russians have always intended to destroy us.

Granted that Russia has a siege mentality ever since Napoleon went ice fishing in the Volga, can this simple reason explain the causes and effect ?

The country is ruled by a criminal gang.

Shades of the children of Esau and Jacob with a sprinkling of Japeth's Gog and Magog kinfolk.

Speaking of Ezekiel 38 - 39, Putin visited Tehran and presumably concluded a treaty of friendship last month. He has been saying that the Russians will come to the defense of Iran if we attack.

The Russian physicist's community remain an advanced technological bunch which may explain the seeming confidence of Putin. Is there any evidence of hyper-advanced weaponry possessed by Russia that points toward "neutralizing" atomic weapons of the other Nuke nations?

I heard that they are working on a new generation of atomic weapons.

I would think it is just the opposite, using new found oil wealth to go for quantity vs quality. As the Russians say, quantity has a quality of its own.

Money talks.

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