There is an e-mail discussion going on about Pierre Carbonnelle's heroic attempt to rescue the Wikipedia cold fusion article. See:

Pierre thinks the effort is dead. But anyway, Ron Marshall related some exciting news:

Just when all is lost, Google to the rescue.
See these links.

Google has created a competitor to Wikipedia called Knol for Knowledge unit.
Each author has his own article, which only he can edit. Several articles can be attached to the same subject. Thus we can all have a cold fusion article. It is likely these articles will appear ahead of the Wikipedia article in the Google search.

My response:

Whoa! This is very important! Google is the only organization that can effectively compete with Wikipedia.

I am going to spread this message far and wide, and tell all cold fusion researchers to consider contributing to this.

I think the Pierre and I should write an article for this, run it by people like Storms, McKubre and the people on this list for review [and here in Vortex], and then upload it. To hell with Wikipeida.

I expect we can create an article that any member of a small group can edit. In other words, we can share a password or an account, so that if someone here spots an error or wants to add something to the article he can go ahead. This would be like Wikipedia for sane people only.

Maybe we can use the deleted Wikipedia article as a starting point.

This is exactly what is needed!

- Jed

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