OrionWorks wrote:

Jed sez:

Regarding the Storms book listing in Wikipedia, the books are listed in 
alphabetical order by author, as they should be. I put them that way at one 
point. They have deleted Beaudette again, which is an atrocity.

I forgot about Beaudette's book. Glad I read it.

I suppose with a title like:

"Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed (2nd Edition)"

they had to "loose" it.

Setting my personal conspiratorial opinions aside, why would they
remove Beaudette's book but not Ed Storms?

I imagine they deleted Beaudette because the title advocates a view they do not believe. They leave my book because it has a neutral title and, because they have not read it, they have not discovered that I advocate the same conclusion. We are dealing with morons and I suggest they are not worth the trouble.



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