Thomas sez:

> Vortexians;
> In the Utube link that I posted, Gamma Manager said that they have built
> a free running FE machine. I have been invited to visit Professor
> Szabo's laboratory for a two day seminar. They want to sell us a
> license, of course.
> They have several patents, if any of you would like to examine them and
> give your opinion as to their workability, that would be nice.
> I'm sure that Budapest is beautiful in the spring.

I went to the home page of Rex Research and discovered that not only
are we running out of oil, we're running out of oxygen as well.


Then I saw the link to "Shangra-La" and my heart skipped a beat - a
place I'd really love to visit before I die. Alas, I got a "404 - not
found" message.

Dang! Just like in the movies.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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