On 28/1/2008 2:30 PM, OrionWorks wrote:

> Oh, yes, I forgot to mention another bit of trivia certain vorts might
> appreciate knowing. "The Day The Earth Stood Still" is being remade,
> to be released this summer. Klatu will be played by Keanu Reeves.
> When Klatu comes down the gangplank will he present the inhabitants of
> Earth with the red pill or the blue pill?

"Greetings my excellent Earthlings!" (followed by an electric guitar riff)


> It's my understanding that in the original 1951 movie Spencer Tracy
> had been seriously considered for the role of Klatu. However, the
> produces decided against him in favor of Michael Rennie (The Third
> Man), as it was felt that Spencer's face was too recognizable and
> would distract from the need to project a proper mystique of aloof
> alien-ness.
> And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.Zazzle.com/orionworks

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