On Wednesday 30 January 2008 10:26, OrionWorks wrote:
> Thomas sez:
> >  I didn't notice the date, wouldn't it be great if The Others did show
> > up, in mass, on election day? OTOH, they have shown up, Phoenix being a
> > classic case in point, and the main stream press just ignored it.
> >
> > Given the source of this story, I'm sure that the author is serious.
> > This dovetails with reports that I heard on C to C AM about the
> > sightings of huge craft. Then the military showed up and claimed they
> > were experimental craft and that they were dropping flares. Like they
> > would operate experimental aircraft or drop flares over a city!
> >
> When it comes to UFO & abduction opinions such as those recently
> expressed by Dr. Boyland, it is probably wise to seek a second
> opinion.
> Just to clarify an important but often (IMO) intentionally misdirected
> matter, the military most certainly did NOT drop flairs over the city
> of Phoenix. They dropped their flairs beyond a mountain range. This
> was irrefutably established when a video specialist superimposed a
> video of the flairs taken the evening of the UFO flap with day time
> imagery taken at the same location. In the day time video the distant
> mountain range was clearly visible. When both videos were superimposed
> on top of each other one can clearly determine how the flairs
> systematically disappeared - as they slowly floated down and dropped
> below the distant mountain range.
> Regarding (intentional and/or unintentional) obfuscation and
> misdirection of the UFO facts, whenever the Phoenix UFO incident is
> continuously brought up in the media the famous video clip of the
> distant military flair drop tends to be the only imagery shown to the
> public, imagery that was clearly established, scientifically, to have
> been the result of military maneuvers. IMO, it's not due to some
> nefarious attempt to show this video to intentionally inject
> additional disinformation & misdirection of the facts. It's due to the
> fact that the population in general remains incredibly ignorant of the
> actual facts, ESPECIALLY the news media. The news media out of
> laziness just shows stock footage, whatever they can scrounge up from
> their library of "UFO" footage.
> Meanwhile, hundreds of Phoenix residences clearly witnessed something
> extraordinary, something exotic flying quietly through the evening
> skies that evening, something that was far less prosaic than the
> run-of-the-mill dropped military flairs activity. This was recently
> confirmed on the Larry King Live show by the then AZ Governer,
> Symington, who at the time of the incident tried his best to downplay
> the situation in order to prevent what he personally feared might turn
> into a panic among some of his constituents. .
> Move along... Move along... nothing to see here.
> I gather the object was very large, black for the most part,
> triangular shaped, and opaque in the sense that it blocked out
> starlight as it flew over the gazing eyes of astonished witnesses,
> including the eyes of Governor Symington. It would appear that no one
> got a decent photograph of the object. This is understandable since
> the object was opaque, and it was in the evening.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> www.OrionWorks.com
> www.zazzle.com/orionworks
Remember that incident.  It was described in the press that would print the 
story as a 'boomerang shaped ship of immense size, probably a half a mile
long.  Inasmuch as it obscured stars and was witnessed by thousands, 
convoluted reasoning calling it a so called 'projection' strains credibility.  
We don't have the equipment to 'project' something like that.  That kind
of 'projection' would be like a 'Star Trek' 'hologram' inasmuch as it imitated
a solid object, the ship!  A disinformation campaign that stupid that was
allowed to pass without serious public challenge smacks of government
coverup with media participation.  Most folks would know a dropping flare
from a light that showed slow steady controlled movement across the sky.  As 
for large accelerations, a space compression and expansion technology
could have effectively translated that ship without it having to accelerate
within its reference frame, circumventing Einstein.....ooops did I say
some kind of 'heresy' to the worshipers of that fella.  Incidentally that
kind of movement would also circumvent inertia.  Neat way to travel.
Now we should work on THAT instead of trying to lie to people.  But
then again maybe we ARE working on just that. 
  The public seems to be its own worst enemy in these cases.  Most read
the stories, then turned to the tawdry capers of the likes of Paris Hilton
or somebody like her, as she had not made her mark on the world yet
when that incident happened.  Like any other story it had its fifteen minutes 
of fame and then sunk out of sight and out of mind.   Most of these 
visitations sound like we are on somebody's tour group itinerary.  Here
lets see the aboriginals in their natural state.   Most involve craft with   
large windows.  Were I to design a ship to travel space, the very last thing
that I would install would be windows.  Digital camera lenses would
serve just as  well and could be sealed from the outside behind tiny
compartmentalized windows no bigger than an inch in diameter. Space
has junk in it.  Most of the so called dark matter is probably also junk
too small/cold/whatever to radiate anything.  Run into it at speed and
it caused problems....hence no windows, just shielding and intense
force fields.  Of course if one is using space compression tech, then
these problems are also minimized.  'Yer not really movin!

Standing Bear

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