Dutch inventors create robot to pitch in at the pumps

Last Updated: Tuesday, February 5, 2008 | 2:49 PM ET
CBC News 

The world's first gas-pumping robot, described as a 'spectacular
innovation,' has begun unscrewing gas caps and topping up tanks in the

Dutch inventor and Shell station owner Nico van Staveren began work on the
robot, dubbed tankpitstop, with a team of engineers in 2005.


The robot matches cars to a database of fuel caps and fuel types. A long
robotic arm pulls open the gas flap, unscrews the cap and pumps the gas. The
robot is also equipped with an automatic payment system.

Van Staveren said the robot will make filling up more convenient for drivers
and reduce unnecessary spills at the pump.

"This is really a spectacular innovation," said Maria Van der Hoeven, the
minister of economic affairs, at the unveiling in Emmeloord on Monday.

Van Staveren said he hopes the robot, which cost 75,000 euros or about
$110,000 Cdn. to manufacture, will be in operation in more Dutch stations by
the year's end. He told Reuters he was inspired to invent the robot after a
trip to a farm.

"I was on a farm and I saw a robotic arm milking a cow. If a robot can do
that then why can't it fill a car tank, I thought," he said. "Drivers
needn't get dirty hands or smell of petrol again."

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