While it might be true that we need new engines for most of the
new fuels, butanol can be used in gasoline engines with little
or no modification, making Jones' idea doubly useful.

--- "R.C.Macaulay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In this admosphere and culture, don't expect results. Expect more of what we 
> are getting.. No progress in the US energy sector.Look overseas for emerging 
> technology in new energy because the US has abrogated it's mandate. I made a 
> suggestion to our local economic development groups. My comment was that if 
> we had a source of new energy "fuel", we woud not have the "engine" for the 
> "fuel". We know what many of the new fuels are.. we don't have an engine for 
> their use. The present design of engines are actually technology used to 
> build steam engines way back when.
> I suggested the design approach to a new engine would be by designing a " 
> transmission" with an engine inside rather than an engine with a 
> transmission inside.That ridiculus remark  almost got me kicked outa the 
> Dime Box Saloon  technology society.
> Richard
> Jones wrote,
> >In a year of political infighting and 'grasping at
> straws' for one-upsmanship on the energy-front, this
> partial solution to an enormous problem could be a
> good 'talking point,' and should be worth presenting
> to a candidate.
> Too bad the geographical areas which would benefit the
> most have so few voters.

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