Howdy Vorts,
Actually, The vid shows an RV parked in the yard. The people shown are "snowbirds" that live down along the Rio Grande river near Mission Texas. They travel to Minnesota each summer to raise wheat for shipment free by the US government USAID given to feed Egypt per Jimmie Carter's hand shake deal between Israel and Anwar Sadat in 1979. If you want to do the math multiply 2 ocean shiploads of freebee wheat per week since 1980.

Now , if we could figure out how to "transfer" some money out of the "raise" the US Post Office will get by hiking cost of stamps to 42 centavos, we would have money for our next el presidentie uncle bama to pay for all the promises made plus his campaign expenses. If, somehow, global warming, rise in fuel prices, economy, peacekeeping in Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan etc get too expensive, we can always fire the EPA chief. If none of this makes a lick of sense, comeover the the Dime Box saloon and warm up with a cold one..


Thomas wrote,
Thanks Steven, that video was a treat. MN4GW has been advertising on
am1280 the patriot radio station. The BBC just reported on the record
cold in Afghanistan, people are loosing hands and feet. I'm not going to
say it.

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