For whatever it is worth, at least the US is not the only country with stupid (or corrupted) energy policies.

It's the same old story. Wipe out the renewable industry instead of increasing petroleum or other taxes. That way the eventual but inevitably resulting much larger increase in energy prices and energy shortages will look like they are caused by someone or something other than the politicians. This leaves them free to enjoy oil company backing in the mean time. The renewable industry wipe out is much more effective this way too. Letting the industry grow and then shocking them into bankruptcy, instead of maintaining an even policy, teaches innovators and investors a powerful lesson that keeps many out of the energy business for years.

It is pretty easy to find fault with politicians and lobbyists, especially where corruption is found to be involved. However, the real problem is lack of an adequately informed public, a public that understands what is now happening to them and who should be outraged, and whom politicians should respect or fear when it comes to harming renewable energy growth.

Horace Heffner

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