'Fit to print' is a curious allusion- esp. wrt the
latest SEC results...

... which if you read the posting, has a title which
may sound more like some of the SPAM which many of us,
of the male persuasion, are seeing too much of - in
our junk-mail every day:


Anyway, Dr Stiffler is making regular progress and is
seeing more heat in his calorimeter than is input from
a battery. 

As soon as he is confident that he has the most robust
setup, he will have the results verified.

Little more to say, except 'stayed tuned' to the
Hartmann site if you are following this progress- 

...and it makes a good story in the sense of
'evolution' of ideas - the science 'meme'....

IOW the device has rapidly matured in months, changed
and evolved significantly, and some of that is due to
the cross-fertilization of ideas, from having it done
as an open-source project.

Fortunately, Ron Stiffler is also a both a brilliant
thinker and an equally brilliant builder, which is
rare. Most of the contribution has been his.

BTW - If any on Vo have not seen it, here is a
fabulous video- which is circulating on many SciFori,
which demonstrates the care and skill that dedicated
builders of electronic gadgets can apply to their


I suspect that Ron's skills are no less versatile,
since he is dealing with devices that have never
existed before, except in the imaginations.


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