Interesting analog observation Jones,
I had never connected this thought when observing the laws of human nature, ( alive and well in the Dime Box saloon). Public education provides and equally valid example of the law governing cultures which allow that when mixing cultures, the most base culture will drag every other culture down to it's base as demonstrated by USA public education experiments. It is often proposed that ancient Greece culture was destroyed from within. The city of Ephesus offers a clue to what really happens when a culture like the Greek is "invaded" by a most evil and debased culture that totally corrupted the higher ideals taught in Greece.

We can anticipate the next generation of computer technology to validate the result of a combination of shifts in society. Everything predicted by Alvin Toffler has already come and gone when he predicted that a culture will rise that produces a "religion" of demanding constant change vs the time held desire of past generations to cling to traditions. When the concept of money has been reconceptualized as revealed by Don Rumsfeld remark that "deficits no longer matter", we may begin to better understand a new economic model is being tested on the world. These "future shock" events now taking place are only preludes.

Jones wrote,

The very best human brain is 'around' the equivalent
of 1-10 teraflops although admittedly this is an
impossible comparison to make valid- since the brain
is analog not digital.

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