
I am always amazed at how few scientists interested in a room temperature 
superconductor bother to check out the refereed journal articles relating to 
our Ultraconductors. With additional development, they will perform identically 
to superconductors in virtually all applications, without refrigeration. The 
RTS program is in the process of reviving, after the major gap in funding for 
high-tech firms without revenues, following the dot.com crash.

Ironically, it is the progress realized with our MPI energy work which has 
reawakened interest. We formed RTS as a subsidiary firm when a few of the 
investors, who have supplied a total of $5 million in Angel capital for 
Ultraconductors, insisted that their funds not be used to explore magnetic 
energy conversion systems. Given the flip-flop, RTS will be reabsorbed into MPI 
in the future.

There is a recent RTS Short Summary on the MPI website: magneticpowerinc.com - 
as well as recent updates re our energy conversion efforts.


OrionWorks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It's difficult to say whether the 
following line of research could
eventually challenge Mark Goldes' RTS work. Sounds like these silane
folks have a lot of work ahead of them. It's still an interesting




SUBJECT: Room-temperature superconductors a step closer with silane

By Chris Lee | Published: March 19, 2008 - 07:41PM CT

Superconductivity was first observed when Onnes used liquid helium to
cool mercury. It was soon found that quite a few metals would
superconduct when cooled to within a few degrees of absolute zero.
However, the dream of superconductivity at higher temperatures—perhaps
even room temperature—has kept researchers pursuing superconductivity.
Now, new research on a class of chemicals has yielded some interesting
results that may point superconductor research in a different
direction: hydrogen-based compounds.

Despite the attraction of low-loss superconductors, the cooling
demands have limited the application of superconductivity to very high
field magnets, such as those used in magnetic resonance imaging
devices. In the 1980s, a new form of superconductivity that operated
at liquid nitrogen temperatures got everyone pretty excited.
Unfortunately, these ceramics are hard to make, harder to handle, and
don't carry much current, making them even less useful than their
lower-temperature brethren. What we need is a substance that has the
more robust superconductivity and handling properties of metallic
superconductors while retaining the high transition temperature of the
ceramics. In short, a different kind of metal.

The ultimate choice would be hydrogen, which, under sufficient
pressure, is thought to become metallic. Calculations suggest that the
structure and properties of metallic hydrogen would support
superconductivity at quite a high temperature. On the other hand, this
is just so much mental masturbation, because hydrogen isn't expected
to become metallic until pressures of 400GPa—a bit of a squeeze for
current lab equipment. Nevertheless, there are several hydrogen-like
alternatives, where a compound with lots of hydrogen in it is put
under sufficient pressure to become a metal. This works because the
presence of the heavier atomic cores act to compress the electrons
surrounding the hydrogen nucleus, meaning that it is, in effect,
already under a significant amount of pressure. This brings down the
metallic transition pressure, putting it within the reach of lab

This is exactly why researchers at Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
have been putting the squeeze on silane. Silane is a silicon atom
surrounded by four hydrogen atoms, making it one of two perfect
candidates for hydrogen-based metals (the other is methane). They
found that silane became metallic at around 50GPa, which is still a
pretty substantial pressure. On cooling, the metallic silane begins to
superconduct. However, the temperature at which superconductivity
occurs exhibits some interesting behavior. It hangs around 5-10K for
most of the pressure range (50-200GPa), but in a small range between
100-125GPa, it increases quite sharply. Although the researchers only
have five data points in the range and never observed a critical
temperature higher than 20K, the shape of the curve indicates that,
for some small range of pressures, a very high critical temperature
might be achieved.

A note of caution should be injected at this point: DO NOT TRY THIS AT
HOME. Silane is a gas at room temperature and pressure. It is a gas
that you will not find naturally occurring because it spontaneously
combusts in air. In fact, one can imagine that wires and magnets based
on a silane superconductor would also make wonderful pipe bombs—not
something that you want in the same room as a million-dollar MRI
machine. On a slightly more serious note, the higher the required
critical temperature, the narrower the pressure range for which
superconductivity can be achieved, meaning that very high quality
pressure control would be required to maintain silane in a useful
state. All in all, it is hard to tell if this a win for
superconductivity. It is, however, certainly a win for materials

Science, 2008, DOI: 10.1126/science.1153282

Steven Vincent Johnson

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