Can someone comment on the energy density that is reported in this abstract?

Abstract: Having the potential for a clean new energy source, rt-plasmas of
certain catalysts (Sr+, Ar+, K) with H formed at extraordinary low field
strengths of about 1–2 V/cm. Time-dependent, extraordinarily fast H (25 eV),
an excess power of 20 mW · cm-3, and characteristic K3+ emission confirmed
the resonant nonradiative energy transfer of 3 · 27.2 eV from atomic hydrogen
to K as the rt-plasma catalyst. The predicted very stable novel hydride
ion H-(1/4) with fractional principal quantum number p = 4 was observed
spectroscopically at 110 nm corresponding to its predicted binding energy of
11.2 eV that further matched the 1H MAS NMR spectrum having an
extraordinary upfield-shifted peak at –4.4 ppm with the elimination of any
known assignment by FTIR.
Keywords: H catalysis; fast H; exothermic; novel hydride ions; upfield NMR
peaks; FTIR.
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