On 18/4/2008 3:56 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

> Edmund Storms wrote:
>> I'm confused. Perhaps someone on this list has the answer. Everyone
>> who has discussed the issues here seems to agree to the following:
>> 1. Increase in energy cost will drive up food and other commodity
>> prices, which will reduce consumer spending.
> Yes, and increasing energy prices are what may very well kill the bull
> for good this year.  We shall see.  I think it's significant that news
> stories about oil still talk about "demand" much more than they talk
> about "supply" -- it's as though most observers haven't yet absorbed the
> fact that "supply" is not going to respond to increased "demand", no,
> not this time...

IMO I think the oil industry is worried that demand will peak before supply
peaks as the cost of alternatives drops.


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