Having missed the recent hydrino thread, let me add
one observation (which is almost as redundant as some
of Randy's 'ground states')

The good news: this recently peer reviewed and
published paper shows convincing calorimetry evidence
of excess power from hydrogen (OU).

"Water Bath Calorimetry on a Catalytic Reaction of
Atomic Hydrogen" Mills et al. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,
Vol. 32, (2007), 4258–4266.

The bad news: After 19 years of trying, and this being
the latest and greatest: i.e. the featured paper on
Mills' website (presumably if there were better
evidence, it would be presented there instead of this
one)... yet...

... the excess power shown is both small in watts and
is only 28.5% more than the input power. "Using water
bath calorimetry, an excess power of 2.85 W was
measured with Sr and Ar as catalysts, compared with
controls (10 watts input)"


What makes this particularly damning from a
comparative standpoint vis-a-vis LENR is that the
"control" is defined as "no catalyst present AND no
hydrogen present." Translation: there will be some OU
with hydrogen alone (since it is self-catalyzing
according to Mills)....

The cynics out there should be justifiably irritated
that after burning through many millions of dollars
and nearly 20 years of time, the OU demonstrated by
BLP in this featured paper, is still FAR less than
what is routinely seen and reported from a variety of
international experimenters, in LENR calorimetry.

For instance, McKubre reported at ICCF13 on results
from a joint research project with Energetics
Technology, ENEA, and SRI where roughly 60% excess
heat was produced. Swartz has seen and reported a far
greater (percentage-wise) excess than this figure.

OK neither is not going to solve the energy crisis
without another breakthrough and/or without scaling-up
significantly- but OTOH the LENR results are routinely
over double what Mills is showing, and with probably
$40 million less money having been spent to do it...

PLUS in the McKubre results, the excess heat was
accompanied by He4 production in good correlation.
More evidence that is hard to dispute.

Now admittedly, other observers like Mike C. will be
able to but a different 'spin' on this comparison, but
the reported facts speak for themselves - with the
result that two sad things about this state of affairs
emerge, from one independent perspective (neutral or
trying hard to be neutral):

1) the company with most of the money, and possibly
the best theory, refuses to use deuterium, which is
more reactive.

2) the hydrino theory may be involved as a precursor
step which allows two deuterons to fuse into He4

IOW - Mills could be so right that he is wrong... but
we will likely never know.

... "so right as to be wrong" ... vanity of vanities,
saith the preacher ... makes one ill at the stomach...


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