At 03:37 PM 7/29/2008 -0400, you wrote:
Sorry to report. See:

- Jed


Oh that is sad that was never recognized, during his lifetime, as I thought he should be.

I spoke with Jerry about a year ago. I wanted to bring him up to speed on the subject, show him how important a role he and the WSJ had and how he contributed to this history. He didn't want to talk about it.

It was hard to know for sure, but I think he was still either hurting from or repulsed by the treatment he received by the AIP/APS and his colleagues in the media.

It is my opinion that he stood alone in all the early media coverage; he declined to rush to judgement like perhaps all the other people in the media, and by doing so, was able to see, understand and convey so much more of the facts that any other reporter on the early cold fusion controversy.

He did what a journalist is supposed to do: consider both sides of the story. And by even considering any reality to "cold fusion" he sadly took a beating. I hope somebody at the journal will realize the important and historic work that Jerry did - even thought it may not yet be widely recognized.

I and author Charles Beaudette have memorialized his role here:
<>Jerry Bishop, The First Cold Fusion Journalist: The physics establishment's treatment of the first journalist to look seriously at the cold fusion claims in 1989

Steven B. Krivit
Editor, New Energy Times
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