Certainly, no less practical than a space elevator.


On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Edmund Storms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How many airplanes need to hit a tether or kite to bring the method to an
> end? How many up and down cycles will the tether survive? How many
> lightening strikes on a wet tether must occur before the tether breaks?
> In short, this method has no hope of being practical.
> Ed
> Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> Google is putting $5 million into this. If they have that kind of money
>> for kites they should invest in cold fusion.
>> I still think laddermill kites are impractical. What are they going to use
>> for the tether? What can stand up to 100 MW?!?
>> Using kites as auxiliary sails on large ships is a good idea.
>> - Jed

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